Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Marketing and public relations

Marketing and public relations
Marketing and public relations support sales by promoting and communicating the brand and product benefits. The Internet allows you the ability to measure the public relations online activities similar to measuring marketing campaigns. As an example, published press releases or product reviews on other sites as well as your own are ways of driving free traffic to your site. Press releases typically contain a natural frequency of important keyword phrases that often rank well in  search engines..

Integrated marketing campaigns are critical for companies to achieve business goals. These kinds of campaigns enable you to be found where the buyers are both online and offline. Industry-specific portals and communities are very analogous to trade shows and industry conferences. Buyers go there to learn from the experts, vendors and peers. Tapping into the natural interest of the market place is key to 21st century marketing success. Offline contacts can be sent email fulfillment, and invited to online events, such as web casts or "Chat with the experts". Contacts gathered online can be invited to meet with executives or technical staff at trade shows or conferences. These days, there are several high-end Internet advertising and marketing communication firms that help identify the most effective, cost-efficient integrated marketing activities to make your online presence an asset to be leveraged by your sales team and executive staff. They basically assist clients in evolving their marketing strategies, so that they can enhance business plans to leverage the synergy between online and offline marketing activities.

Integrated marketing and sales to track and measure ROI:

--Measuring the true ROI of Internet Marketing programs by integrating marketing campaign tracking    with Sales Force Automation as part of a closed loop Marketing to Sales process.

--Monitoring Buyer behavior combined with the ability to track Internet Marketing campaigns to sales   pipeline

--Understanding the customer relationship in a virtual environment, with timely follow-up of qualified   leads, leading to more calculated results.

--Providing strategic consulting for Integrated Internet Marketing programs alongside traditional   marketing services, in order to achieve remarkable ROI (Return on Investment).

All said and done, with the Internet being the best medium for implementing an effective process for measuring marketing ROI, today you have higher quality web leads to a sales team. All this is made easy and attainable, with integrated marketing campaigns.

For more information click here

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